Baby Photography A Year in Review
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March 24, 2017
By Maxine Evans Photography

Baby Photography Year in Review

When I review 2016 in my mind, all I can think is WOW. What an amazing year 2016 was for the studio as well as for my husband and I.

Maxine Evans Photography saw well over 200 babies. When I think of it, it's kind of remarkable. Handling, cuddling, posing, photographing... all of which I don't take lightly. Every single tiny human I treat with the very best of care. Honestly, it's exhausting - but in a good way. I am honored and humbled by my clients trust in me to take their just days old baby away from them, albeit just feet away it's still a big deal. Especially for a first time parent. I really can't imagine having another career, this is what I was put on earth to do. 

It's pretty hard for me not to get attached to the adorable new families that come through the studio. I love hearing about what they do, where they are from and the fun stories about how they met. Yes, I'm sort of nosey! 2016 brought so many interesting professionals come through the door. All the way from the local mailman to a Top Chef, Oscar nominees and Grammy winners. My celebrity clientele really took off in 2016 which is super fun!

Here's a tiny sample of my 2016 littles...

Personally, 2016 was a year that was in great need for Pierre and I. Which was just in time because 2014/15 were a bit challenging. 

Going back a couple years to 2014, we were forced to sell our little ranch. We owned it for nearly 17 years. We were victims of the 2007/08 mortgage crisis after being sold a refinancing loan we couldn't afford so we ended having to sell. After 16 years of payments and 100K in improvements we walked away with nothing. What's worse is we had to find homes for my darling pony, Nacho and my older horse Gus. I did keep my beloved show horse (below), By My Syde aka Sy. It was all going to be okay because I still had Sy. Then it happened, smack dab in the middle of the sale and moving I had a horrible freak riding accident which rendered me with a permanent nerve damage. I broke my the crap out of my left shoulder and collar bone (in 4 places) which required immediate surgery. Of course, I was "lucky" I didn't break my neck. If you didn't really hear about it it's because with the help of some very generous friend photographers, I worked pretty much right through the year long recovery.

Sadly, I had to sell Sy and retire from riding. It was a tough, I am still very sad I had to sell this beautiful boy and I miss riding everyday. Sy still lives at Foxfield so I'm able to visit him and give him a big smooch! He's now a star on the Foxfield Equestrian Drill Team. I hope you don't mind showing you a couple images and a quick video of my lovely Sy...

I am so looking forward to 2017 and all the beautiful babies I have yet to meet. Also, all the wonderful sitter and cake smash sessions with my current clients! We are also considering moving the studio to a new location which is super exciting. I've been exploring my options and as much as I LOVE my studio, my landlord is elderly and there may be a change coming so I really don't want to be caught off guard and have to rush out to find a new space. Plus, I love a change!

I hope you have enjoyed my little rambling and I look forward to sharing more about me and the studio in 2017 so stay tuned! 

Happy New Year! 


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1 Comment
Wendy S - Oh my goodness, Maxine! What a beautiful horse. I'm so sorry you had to give him up.

And the kitchen is gorgeous!